My Progress

Ascending Graph, Bar Graphs, Progress, Chart, Increase

This fall was my first semester in the ESOC major. Prior to this semester, I had ever taken a class that focused on collaboration. As the semester went on, I realized that there was so much about the act of collaborating that I simply was not skilled in. A topic we discussed this semester that I found to be the most helpful was the Tuckman's five stages of group development. Even though in my entire school career I have always had to do group projects, I suppose I had never bothered to actually think how the groups came together and worked towards the best outcome. Now that I am fully able to understand each of the five stages of group development, I can keep them in the back of my mind in future collaborations to help me through those projects. This semester, my ability to simply just write has also improved probably due to these blogging assignments. Before this class, I had always had issue with not being able to write enough on school assignments. Now I have noticed that I can write about topics in greater length then I ever could before. For example, if you look at one of my more recent blogs like "Everyone Should Edit", you can see that I am able to write more freely about the topic and come up with plenty of examples to back up my claims, then something like this older post "The More the Better". Overall, my more recent post are more informative and a better read then my older ones. For example, I believe that my two best post are "Everyone Should Edit" and "Leaders", these are my two post where I believe I was most straight to the point and didn't ramble on about irrelevant ideas. As for my best replies, perhaps one was a reply to Alan Castillo's post on Netflix and Youtube because it helped me better understand spreadability.  I suppose another good response I gave was to Kaci Burdens regarding sampling. Two students that I was influenced mostly by this semester were Hannah Leigh Johnson and Evan Tinder. Both were always very eager to speak in class and informative when they did so. As for best blog, I believe Hannah had the best blog as they were always very informative and straight to the point.


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