Youtube Online Communities

Cars, Car Show, Parking Lot, Hood, Rims, Performance

In our first week of ESOC 211, we discussed what a community is. The class came to an agreement that a community is a group of people that have something in common. A community of people generally shares common believes, interest, or has a common set of goals in mind. Ideally I would imagine that a community of people also communicate and contributes to whatever the cause may be of the community. Personally I feel that in order for something to be a community, there must be some sort of social interaction between the members of the community. This whole idea of a community then got me thinking what communities I happen to be a part of. Personally, I do not watch tv or any shows on Netflix, Instead I watch youtube channels that take part in similar hobbies that I partake in. For example, I am a car enthusiast and watch a select group of youtubers that are also car enthusiast such as TJHunt, AdamLZ, Donut Media, and the list goes on and on. Not only do I watch car related channels but also mountain bike/bmx related channels. The point is I watch a lot of youtube channels. Within this select group of channels, all the you tubers know of their fellow you tubers, and they share the majority of their audiences amongst each other. Go to any comment section of this channel, and people will be offering advice on car builds and fixes, or pointing out something they saw in someone else video that might help someone else. Not only does this community interact socially online but also in person. These youtubers will put together car meets in which their subscribers can all bring their cars and interact with the youtubers themselves. Within this large platform of youtube, exist many different communities which only exist because of youtube, without it, these youtubers would not be able to make their livings basically making videos for others to watch. Its a really neat example of a community because its only possible because of youtube.

Here is a video on the car community and in the video are some car you tubers...
