Which of Tuckman's Group Stages is the Most Important?

Forest Path, Winter, Crossroads

This week during our collaboration class, we presented with groups our 1st projects. The goal of the project was to present Tuckman's five stages of group developement using a story to see how each stage of development occurred within the story. My group presented the five stages using the movie "School of Rock". Most groups used either a movie or a tv show to show the stages, and throughout the presentations, I felt that the most important stage out of all the stages was the adjourning stage. This is because adjourning is what allows the previous group members to go on in life, while keeping in mind what they learned from their group. Each member will then be better prepared for the next time that they collaborate because of their new findings from previous experience. Overall I feel that ever stage is important, but adjourning is the stage that prepares us for our future. Just how Dewey Finn was able to find a new career by finally deciding that maybe being a rock star wasn't feasible, but perhaps teaching rock is. Here is a link to the ending scene of "School of Rock" where you can see Dewey Finn's and Ned Schneebly"s new career.


  1. I love School of Rock so much. It was always my dream to have a teacher who would be as cool as “Mr. Schneebly” was. You are right though; the movie does have the classic styling of Tuckman’s five stages. They start out not liking the teacher but then warm up to him and eventually play at the concert. Also, when I was a kid there was an actual school of rock after school program but I didn’t have the money to join. Never forget.


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